Countycomm offers the ARES pocket light with a safety orange shell and a pure white LED. This is one light that won't get lost in your pack or in the snow. Slide the switch on, and the entire unit glows bright orange.
The LED will last for thousands of hours, and the battery is easily replaced.
Be sure to watch the instructive
Youtube video.
ARES is available for $1.20 only at Countycomm. An identical light, the
ARES SO-LED, is available with an eight-position, 360-degree ratcheting rotary clip for $4.00 from the same source.
The pocket light
without clip also comes with
blue and green LEDs. The SO-LED
with clip is available in an
ACU grey body with white LED and in a black body with
blue and green LEDs.
While these prices are attractive, the bad news is that the minimum shipping charge is $8.75. This calls for either a group purchase of dozens of lights
or buying more
Countycomm goodies in order to reduce the unit price for shipping. For example, 20 pieces of the ARES cost $1.44 each with shipping, while 20 of the ARES SO-LED cost 4.29 apiece.
Labels: illumination, signalling